

Places We Never Went A Series of Imaginary Events Book CoverA few words on my first book:

This book fell through my soul, writing itself in what I can only refer to as “water words.” All the words and illustrations came through my vessel without thought and moving only in one direction, forward; fueled purely by elements of true friendship, kindness and compassion between souls.

The cover has a shoulder and an ear. This is because my friend told me he was there to be a shoulder and an ear for me. Eventually, I realized, it wasn’t his job to be my shoulder, my ear. I have a shoulder. I have an ear. And I would have to make it out of this hell on my own two feet.

Although it came through me, this little book isn’t about me. It is a thank you, really; a thank you to someone who could have told me to shut up but who, instead, listened to me, morning and night, for more than nine months straight. Someone with enough compassion to listen to what I couldn’t stop – the flow of all that I had been carrying around for more than fifteen years, as I lived in fear and in silence, behind the ego and façade of a perfect marriage.

Personally, I believe this light and romantic book came through my being to provide a healing focus on love, kindness, joy, and connection – some of what I had learned to go without on the “inside,” for far too many years. For me, this book is a gift for which I am extremely grateful; a testament to the immeasurable value of true friendship.

Orso is a charming, fun-loving, warm, kind and cheerfully bright light in the universe – an amazing leading character who blessed my soul with a sense of life, as one is only genuinely alive in the midst of true friendship, loving kindness and compassion. Anything less and one is simply suffering through life.

WIth great blessings and gratitude,

Aliza Wiseman

Places We Never Went, A Series of Imaginary Events is available in hard copy, e-book and audio book formats (either by purchase or by simply visiting Aliza Wiseman on Soundcloud)